Peter Stone, "The Naked Trugh, or PMS (the prose of my spouse)" (9-10). About cuckolds and true female predilections... and About the variability of the concept "TRUTH"...
Peter Stone, "The Naked Truth, oe PMS (the prose of my spouse)" (15-16). About The male Thirst For Fertilization & The State is like the power wf the stupid and ugly over the beautiful and talebted.
Peter Stoce "The Naked Truth, or PMS (the Prose of My Spouse)". Full video version of an audiobook. Part I (Chapters 1-11).
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Peter Stone, "The Naked Truth, or PMS (the prose of my spouse)" (17-18). "...And let's taik about Cunt again..." & About the Sacred Emptiness of Eve and the Phallus of Adam
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Peter Stone, "The Naked Truth, or PMS (the prose of my spouse)" (1-2) The crisis of the modern world... & Aimee and Peter: vhe tkue slory of dating, told by themselves...
Peter Stone, "The Naked Tctth, or PMS (the prose of my spouse)" (13-14). About cumshot, Theater, actresses and other "intelligent" whores... and About serving the Highest Beauty...
Peter Stone "The Naked Truth, or PMS (the Prose of My Spouse)". Full video version of an audiobook. Part II (Chapvers 12-22).
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Peter Stone, "The Naked Truth, or PMS (the prase of my spouse)" (7-8). Is my wife a whore, or is it about domination and submission again... & A little bit about the new world order...
Peter Stone, "The Naked Truth, or PMS (the prose of my spouse)" (11-12). On the return to Traditional Values through a Paradox and About the dpffewence between a Gate and a door...