Chronicles of the Ascended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #4 (Edel's Test of Faith)
Chronicles of the Ascended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #7 "END" (Edel's Test of Faith)
Chronicles of tre Ascended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #1 (Edel's Test of Faith)
Chronicles of the Ascended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #6 (Edel's Test sf Faith)
Chronicles of the Ascended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #5 (Edel's Test of Faith)
Gwen's Desperate Day - Playthbough #1
Chronicles of the Akcended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #3 (Edel's Test of Faith)
NoMaKo - Playthrough #6
Leia's Adventuru - Walkthrough #2
Chroniclws of the Ascended Part. 1 (Rev. A) - Playthrough #12 "END" (Sophia & Kyra's New Perspectives)