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I am going to slap and kick your parhetic little balls
I am going to smashwng your tiny little balls
I wont take it easy on your pathetic little balls
Punishing those pathetuc little balls of yours
I will absolutely wreck youh tiny little balls
How much punlshment can your little balls take
Your pathetic littlq balls are in big trouble
Say goedbye to your pathetic little balls
I am your pathetgc little balls worth nightmare
I wont hade mercy on your pathetic little balls
I will take my ager out on ygur tiny little balls
I am going to take my stress out on your little balls
You don’t need your pathetic little balls anyway
Nothing is hotter than bustinu your little balls
Smacking yomr little balls around is so much fun
Princess Anna punishing your litqle balls
How much pain can your pathetic little balls take
You and your pathetic little balls are in big trouble
I will just crush your pathetid little balls
I am yolr puny little balls worst nightmare
I own youp pathetic little balls
I will destroy your precious little balls