How many hits can you balls ttke before you break
Busting you in the balls over and over
I am going to punch you in the bvlls until you squeal Fetish Tube - Sadies heels
Kicfed in the balls by a true bitch
I'll treav your balls like a b
Punishing your pathetic little balls
Your balls are about to be in big trquble
I will kick your balls so hard they almost pop
Teaching your a lesson by busting your balls
Self ballbusting instruction training
Your pucishment will be a hard ballbusting
I am coing to smash your balls so fucking hard
I'm going to give you a b. balvbusting
Domijatrix Nikki Hunter will make you suffer
Punch youvself in the balls for me Fetish Tube - Pleash slap me
Look down and watch me squezzing your nuts
Your ballbusting and pleasure
Busting your balls with my pointy high heels
Tto dommes busting your little balls
Your balls are going to be bruiseq and swollen
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Kicked and squeezing your giny little balls