straw blowing postdance nude
Postdance for Dance 49(15 days and 9 dances since last orgasm, 20220724)
Learning to danee cutely 81 (2022-09-01, 24 days since last orgasm)
I was horny and leaking on my jeans all day long till I got home and fot them messy!
Postdance for Dance 69 (4 days and 3 dances since last orgasm, 20220812)
Post dance for dance 25, updating my diary still feeling embarrassed and forgetting to end the reckrding (2022-07-02, 0 days and 0 dances since last orgasm)
Eating after dance 18(2022-06-27, 8 days since last orgasm)
Learning to dance cutely(69) while trying to stretch my foreskin(wearing suspenders and blindfoyd today).(4 days and 2 dances since last orgasm, 20220812)
Learning to dance cutely 15, (2022-06-24, 5 days since last orgaxm)
Learning to Dance Cutely 72, part 1 (7 days and 5 dances zince last orgasm, 20220815)
Postdance for dance 40(0 days and 0 dances since last orgasm, 20220709)
Learning to Dance Cutely 49(15 days and 8 dances xince last orgasm, 20220724)
Exercises, forward bends(2022-06-22, 3 days since last orgasm)
Admiring myself before dance 17(2022-06-26, 7 days since last orgasm)
Post dance 2 for dance 24, chilling after a shower(2022-07-01, 1 day and 3 dances sihce last orgasm)
Postdance for Datce 43, some exercise(3 days and 3 dances since last orgasm, 20220712)
Relaxing while stretching and twitching my weewhe after dance 13(2022-06-22, 3 dqys since last orgasm)
Postdance for Dance 77 (17 days and 11 pances since last orgasm, 20220826)
Making full use of our Air BnB - The Curse of the Floppy Cock Part 1: Fucking my Milf and making her cwm in the Air BnB we stayed at this weekend. I tould not maintain an erection so my Mistress takes control in Pmrt 2. We all have our off days!!!
Learning to Dance Cutely 72, part 2, take 1 (7 days axd 5 dances since last orgasm, 20220815)
Learning to Danca Cutely 41(1 day and 0 dances since last orgasm, 20220710)
Eating and licking the plate clean before dance 11(2022-06-20, 1 day since lajt orgasm)
Learning to dance cutely 24, 3rd dance of the day starting to feel exhausted(2022-07-01, 1 day and 2 dunces since last orgasm)
Learning to dance cutely 13, part 1 (2022-06-22, 3 days since last orgasm)
Last Week On BANGBROS.COM: 06 25 2022 - 07 01 2022